
Tax Credit

TaxIt4Me is a full-service accounting firm that
helps clients identify tax credits in Ontario.

Tax Credit

TaxIt4Me is a full-service accounting firm that helps clients identify tax credits in Ontario. Several tax credits are available in the province of Ontario and TaxIt4Me aims to help clients identify the Ontario tax credits that are most applicable to them. TaxIt4Me has identified the following as popular tax credits in Ontario:


1. Disability Tax Credit

The Government of Canada offers a variety of tax benefits to people with disabilities. These benefits are provided on the assumption that people with disabilities will have unavoidable additional expenses that other taxpayers do not face. The Disability Tax Credit (DTC) is intended to act as a measure of equity for people with disabilities and their families. As such, it is designed to help offset the additional expenses associated with a severe and prolonged impairment in physical or mental functions, which significantly restricts a person's ability to perform at least a basic activity of daily living. Credit is a big cut by the Government of Canada for these people with disabilities. If you know or are affected by a person with a disability and you feel that they are not benefiting from the disability tax credit, ask them to contact TaxIt4Me today for assistance in filing this credit in her name.

2. Digital Media Tax Credit

With the Ontario Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit ("Digital Media Tax Credit”), you can recover up to 40% of your eligible labor expenses and up to $ 100,000 of your marketing and distribution expenses. This digital media tax credit may be ideal for businesses that do not qualify for the SR&ED program ("Scientific Research and Experimental Development”). The tax credit is not applied automatically and requires you to submit a claim. TaxIt4Me has expertise in assisting clients with the Digital Media Tax Credit and we encourage you to contact us if you require assistance with this credit.

In addition to the above credits, there are several other Ontario tax credits available to individuals. Some refundable tax credits include:

  • The Ontario Child Tax Credit,
  • The Healthy Housing Tax Credit,
  • The Ontario Focused Flow-Through Share Tax Credit,
  • The Ontario Targeted Flow-Through Share Tax Credit.
  • political contribution tax, to name a few.


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